Specimens in Fish Care and Aquariums
How to treat Tetra Species
Tetris fish come in a wide variety, which include the Paracheirodon Axelrodi. The fish has a common name known as Cardinal Tetra. This fish type grows 1 Ľ inches in size and comes from the Upper Rio Negro, Columbia, and Brazil. Similar to the Neon Tetra in color this fish differs in that it has a broader spectrum of colors. Unlike Neon fish, the Cardinals have red colors on the cover of their gill. The fish feed and expect water conditions same as the Neon fish. In addition, the fish sex, breed, etc, same as the Neon fish.
Opella Arnoldi
This breed is commonly known as Spraying Characin. The fish grows around 3 inches in size and comes from Guiana, Venezuela, and Brazil. Sprays have elongated fins, as well as a slim body. Spraying Characin feeds on all foods and prefers neutral or soft water conditions.
How do the fish breed?
Spraying Characin spawns on the surface of overhanging leaves. In addition, the fish may spawn at bottom surface area of the aquarium. Spraying Characin prefer to breed in thinly planted aquariums, whereas around 15 gallons of water is added. The level is usually 1 ˝ inches below the glass cover. This fish only produces around 15 eggs, which the fish will fall back into the water once the eggs are deposited. In addition, the fish will repeat this procedure until around one hundred eggs are deposited.
How are the eggs maintained?
Once the fish spawn, remove the female fish from the tank. Contrary to mother natures arrangement the male handles egg care. The male will splash water over the eggs. If the eggs fall into the water however, the male fish will feast on the hatch. If you notice the male attempting to eat the eggs, remove him also from the tank.
Egg care
Once you remove the male from the tank, fix an aerator stone in the tank. The stones will promote spray to bubble, which will maintain the health of the eggs. Lastly, you want to remove the male fish again around the fourth day, since the fry will seep into the waters.
Copeina Guttata
Copeina Guttata is known as the Red-spotted Copeina, which this fish comes from Central Amazon and grows around 4 inches in size. Outside of aquariums, this fish grows around 5 inches in size. The fish combines orange-red colors with yellow fins and bluish-silver body.
This fish is ideal to keep in larger tanks. The fish is peaceful, yet its size demands divert attention of communal tank residency. The fish requires the same feeding patterns and water condition as the C. Arnoldi fish.
How do they breed?
These fish pair, in that the colorful male mates with the female. The male is notable by his red dotted flank. Breeding takes place when the female layers her eggs in the gravel. Flat stone is optional as well. Once the female lays around 300 eggs, she should be removed from the tank. The male should be removed once the fry fish are prepared to swim on his own.
The fish comes from Central and/or South America. These fish are some of the most colorful fish sold. The downside is the breed is huge, which is not ideal for communal tanks. Sometimes the fish are called Headstanders, since this fish tends to hang his head down while he drifts.
A variety of other market fish are available including the Anostomus Anostomus, Chilodus Punctatus, Lebiasinidae, Nannostomus Beckfordi, Nannostomus Eques, and so on. Typically, purchasers receive instructions with aquarium and fish purchase, read them.
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