niedziela, 10 kwietnia 2011

Life Sustaining Fish Care and Aquarium

Life Sustaining Fish Care and Aquarium
How to Sustain Freshwater Fish

Freshwater fish
Freshwater fish have advantages, since the fish will adapt to most Aquarium types. Freshwater fish tend to be more relaxed and informal than saltwater fish. For that reason, freshwater fish is the choice for starters. Freshwater fish embrace the tropical and the Coldwater fishes. Saltwater fish include the Powder Blue Surgeonfish and the Clown Surgeonfish. Additional saltwater fish include the Gold Rim Surgeonfish, Leopard Filefish, Orange Fin Anemone, Black Back Anemone, Clown and Red Girdled Anemone, Frogfish, and the Yellow-Tailed Anemones. You will find a wide selection in both saltwater fish and freshwater fish. The freshwater fish include the common goldfish, Reedfish, Banjo Catfish, Bumblebee Goby, and so on. Most freshwater fish adapt to peaceful waters, as well as clean waters, however few prefer peaty waters. Once you establish the type of fish, he will need to move on to choosing your tank. Saltwater fish tend to enjoy the Reef Tanks. Reef tanks comprise underwater ridges. The ridges comparable to scientifically studied ridges, which include biology, chemistry, and geology. The reef tanks generally include rock and coral. If you are considering goldfish, the reef tank is not a preferred tank by goldfish.

Goldfish tend to live well in slow, flowing dwellings. The fish adapt to a variety of water temperatures, yet the plants must have fresh water and plenty of plant stuff. Open pools is the leading choice of water environments for goldfish. Goldfish are small colorful fish, which come from eastern Asia waters. Goldfish are normally housed in tanks, aquariums, or ponds.

Once you decide your choice of fish and aquarium, you want to learn details such as where should you locate the aquarium in your home. You want to make sure that your floors will support large aquariums. The aquarium should be placed on sturdy flooring, and stands. In addition, you want to avoid putting the tank near windows, heaters, and doors. Light will increase bacteria and algae build up.

How do I set aquarium room temperature?
The room temperature should be stabilized at all times.

What should I consider when I buy my aquarium
You should consider medicines, equipment, food, electricity supply, filters, air supply, heaters, etc. You will also want to add gravel, floss, buffers, etc to your list of get items. Most fish enjoy gravel, plants, light, etc; mostly fish enjoy food and water.

Filtration systems are necessary, since the filters help to keep your aquarium free of algae and harmful chemicals, which can lead to poor health and even death. Filtration systems include chemical, carbon, mechanical, and biological. The variants of the filters include the internal, external, and under-gravel filtration systems. In addition to filtration systems, you want to toss in water treatments. The water treatments will remove what filtration systems miss.

Coldwater fish such as the Goldfish tend to adjust to cool waters. Therefore, you may not need to purchase a heater for this breed, providing you are only housing goldfish, or compatible fish. Goldfish tend to live well in tropical environments. Still, you want to maintain a balanced water temperature. Goldfish are adaptable fish, yet they demand oxygen. Most goldfish swim to the surface to gulp air, oxygenating their system.

Reedfish require water temperature set at 73 degrees or 79 degrees Fahrenheit. Reedfish tend to enjoy well-planted tanks, therefore, this breed may not dwell in goldfish water. If you are purchasing your fish at local pet shops, check the manuals provided at the stores to learn more about fish and which fish dwell best with other fish.

Water Treatments in Fish and Aquarium Care

Water Treatments in Fish and Aquarium Care
How to condition water

Fish of all sorts expect a pH measurement of acid and/or base water. The common pH level is typically 6.5 and no higher than 7.5. Water types include saltwater, alkalinity, hardness, soft water, and so on. Alkalinity water is measured buffers, which its capacity is based on test results conducted from water. Alkalinity is a choice for many fish, since it will regulate pH balance, thus preventing the balance to drop. With this in mind, you can add buffers to regulate alkalinity as well.

Hard water is based on the amount of minerals, which is often unregulated. The reason is that soft water lacks the ability to produce dissolved minerals, while water softened by machines does not supply a variety of minerals. For this purpose, most aquarium and fish owners will purchase water treatments, while using ordinary tap water to fill the tank.

Water treatments
Water treatments include NH3, NO2, and NO3. The symbols represent chemical based formulas, which define ammonia. For instance, the second symbol represents nitrites, while the third symbol represents nitrates. The first symbol represents ammonia. If you are a starter, you should use test kits to test the waters prior to putting your fish into the tank. The kits provide you tools that will show results of ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, chlorine, and related chemical buildup. Keep in mind that fish naturally produce ammonia via waste, which turns to nitrites. Testing should be conducted during tank cycle. Since, tap water is laced with chlorine and chloramines you want to have water treatments on hand. Fish, unlike people cannot live as long while drinking chlorine/chloramines based waters. Water supplies often include hypochlorite, which is used to disinfect polluted waters and to provide fresh drinking water for humans only.

Some people believe that salt should be added to all fish tanks.
Facts: salt is not beneficial in all instances, and nor is it necessary to add to all fish tanks. However, some tropical fish find it useful to relieve stress.

Back to water treatments
The types of water treatments include the decholorinator-based solutions. Decholorinator are ideal to purify water, cleansing it of chloramines, yet the treatment will discharge ammonias.

Therefore, before you purchase water treatments, the first thing you will need to do is know what is in your tap water. You can call your locate water company to find out what the water contains. Let the company know that you are housing aquarium fish, so that these people will take interest in your needs. Otherwise, the company may take offense, wondering who you are.

Tap water likely will include chloramines, copper, chlorine, metal, phosphates, and sometimes will include TCE. (Trichloroethylene)

Tap water advice;
When filling your tank with Water you can let the water run from the tap five minutes to purify the water, as well you can let the water stand overnight to remove additional chemicals.

If your tap water only includes chlorinate you can use water treatments, such as the sodium based thiosulphate dechlorinators. However, if you have additional chemicals in your water you want to speak with your local pet store operators to find out which additives are best suited for removing all types of chemicals. It is wise to ask about the best water treatments as well for the local pet store.

Additional tips:
In addition to your aquarium and fish, you will need hose, bucket, nets, etc to clean your tank. You can take up inexpensive products online, or at local nature-based stores. In addition, to learn more about water treatments visit the Internet to search through a variety of products.

Water Aquariums and Fish Tank

Water Aquariums and Fish Tank
How to

How to check aquarium water
Today, aquariums have advanced to the point that the tanks are self-sufficient. Water conditions are important to check, since in each area of the world, water is different. In fact, some area waters are more contaminated than other areas. The types of fish factors into water, as well plants play a role too. Tetras is a type of fish, which naturally habitats in rainwater, or when in aquariums the fish enjoys soft waters. Therefore, when you test waters for these fish make sure that the waters are soft.

Cichlid is another species of fish that prefer harder water. The specimens came from the Rift Valleys of Africa, which contains dissolved salt. The salt was available from natural sources, such as lakes and rock lining.

How do I avoid hardening the water?
If you want hard waters, then do not add limestone. Limestone should be avoided, especially if you intend to use it as rocks or gravel.

How can I tell the condition of waters after testing pH?
After you test the waters, pH readings should give you a figure. If the number is below seven, then the water is acidy. If the figure is higher than seven are then the water is alkalinity or alkaline. The neutral pH figure is pH7. If the water conditions are below or higher than this figure then your water is too alkalinity and/or acidity. If you maintain a correct temperature and balance of water, your fish and plants will live long and healthy.

Red Nosed Tetra prefers freedom to swim and density of plants.

If you have test water keep in mind that tap water has pH7 or pH8 reading usually. If the gauge reads higher or else lower, it means that the water is too alkalinity or acidy: Keep in mind that discus from the symphysodon aequifasciata specimen enjoy acidy waters. If you have cichlids from Rift Valley, these fish prefer alkaline.

How do I test water?
You will need to purchase a test kit. You can purchase test kits online or preferably at your local pet store. Of course, you can purchase the kits online, but if you are not familiar with the types, it is best to purchase at a pet store. The test kits will provide you a read out of chemicals in the water as well, such as chlorine. There should not be chlorine in the waters; however, tap water may have such chemicals. Water conditioners are ideal. When you setup your tank and each time you refill the tank you should use water conditioners.

Tip: If you have a heater in the tank, keep the volume low.

Living Room:
Typically, it is not recommended that you locate your aquarium in a living room. Since most living rooms are too warm, the fish will feel agitated. However, if you have tropical fish as well as plants you will have fewer problems. Plants and fish from the tropical regions tend to adapt well to higher water or room temperature. Using a heater in the tank can help you preserve your fish, yet you want to keep the heater on low volume. Maintaining a volume of heat will also prolong the life of your heater.

If you are heating your aquarium, take the easy way out. Some heaters include heaterstats, which will help you regulate heat. Heaterstats are thermostatically controlled devices, which fix to the corners of an aquarium. You can use suction cups to mount the heater. The heater has a small lamp, which will click on each time the heater is activated.

Water Aquariums and Fish Care

Water Aquariums and Fish Care
How to

How to check aquarium water
Today, aquariums have advanced to the point that the tanks are self-sufficient. Water conditions are important to check, since in each area of the world, water is different. In fact, some area waters are more contaminated than other areas. The types of fish factors into water, as well plants play a role too. Tetras is a type of fish, which naturally habitats in rainwater, or when in aquariums the fish enjoys soft waters. Therefore, when you test waters for these fish make sure that the waters are soft.

Cichlid is another species of fish that prefer harder water. The specimens came from the Rift Valleys of Africa, which contains dissolved salt. The salt was available from natural sources, such as lakes and rock lining.

How do I avoid hardening the water?
If you want hard waters, then do not add limestone. Limestone should be avoided, especially if you intend to use it as rocks or gravel.

How can I tell the condition of waters after testing pH?
After you test the waters, pH readings should give you a figure. If the number is below seven, then the water is acidy. If the figure is higher than seven are then the water is alkalinity or alkaline. The neutral pH figure is pH7. If the water conditions are below or higher than this figure then your water is too alkalinity and/or acidity. If you maintain a correct temperature and balance of water, your fish and plants will live long and healthy.

Red Nosed Tetra prefers freedom to swim and density of plants.

If you have test water keep in mind that tap water has pH7 or pH8 reading usually. If the gauge reads higher or else lower, it means that the water is too alkalinity or acidy: Keep in mind that discus from the symphysodon aequifasciata specimen enjoy acidy waters. If you have cichlids from Rift Valley, these fish prefer alkaline.

How do I test water?
You will need to purchase a test kit. You can purchase test kits online or preferably at your local pet store. Of course, you can purchase the kits online, but if you are not familiar with the types, it is best to purchase at a pet store. The test kits will provide you a read out of chemicals in the water as well, such as chlorine. There should not be chlorine in the waters; however, tap water may have such chemicals. Water conditioners are ideal. When you setup your tank and each time you refill the tank you should use water conditioners.

Tip: If you have a heater in the tank, keep the volume low.

Living Room:
Typically, it is not recommended that you locate your aquarium in a living room. Since most living rooms are too warm, the fish will feel agitated. However, if you have tropical fish as well as plants you will have fewer problems. Plants and fish from the tropical regions tend to adapt well to higher water or room temperature. Using a heater in the tank can help you preserve your fish, yet you want to keep the heater on low volume. Maintaining a volume of heat will also prolong the life of your heater.

If you are heating your aquarium, take the easy way out. Some heaters include heaterstats, which will help you regulate heat. Heaterstats are thermostatically controlled devices, which fix to the corners of an aquarium. You can use suction cups to mount the heater. The heater has a small lamp, which will click on each time the heater is activated.

Tropical Freshwater Aquarium Fish Care

Tropical Freshwater Aquarium Fish Care
How to care for Freshwater Aquarium Fish

Some freshwater fish are easier to keep than other species. Angelfish, Killifish, Clown Loach, Hatchetfish, etc, are few choice fish that you want to consider. However, you will need a bit of experience to handle few of the fish listed. Holacanthus Trimaculatus includes the family to the Trimaculatus group, which includes the Angelfish. These fish have some of the most attractive colors. The tropical fish have dark blue lips, which counterbalance the fish’s golden-yellowish frame. Three-spot Angelfish is a selection of the many Angelfish. The fish come from the West Pacific oceans, as well as the Indian oceans. Three-Spotted Angels have a shape comparable to the butterfly fish. Three-Spotted Angelfish throat has a dark blue as well. The fish vary in color, which you can purchase orange-yellow, gold, etc. Few Angelfish have dark patches around the facial area, which the edges have fill flaps that are covered.

Angelfishes are one of my favorites, since this fish provides an attractive view. The outer edges of the Angelfishes fins are spotted, which sometimes the spots are black. White contrasts the black, which is located at the inner area of the fish. Angelfish grows up to 10 inches in size. In addition, Angelfish tend to feed from plants, larvae, small creatures, etc. Angelfish are recommended to live with their own kin, although the fish are peaceful.

If you are starting out, I will give you a direction to follow in fish care and aquariums. We can start with aquariums.

Tank Preferred: You want to consider the fish type before considering the preferred tank. It makes no sense to purchase a tank and find out the fish type demand a different style.

Principles of balance: pH is the basic principle of balance, as well as temperature, water condition, etc. In addition to preferred tanks, and principles however you want to consider plant mediums, water, stonework, heaters, filtration, diseases, feed, lighting, fish choice, tank plants: (Floating plants, submerged plants) Furthermore, you will need to consider maintenance, quiddities, and so on. In food supplies, you will have the choice of live food, dried foods, vegetables, and so on.

Fish Group:
The fish groups include the: Polypteridae, Osteoglossidae, Doradidae, Pantodontidae, Notopteridae, Rhamphichthyidae, Mormyridae,Gymnotidae, Umbridae, Cyprinidae, Characidae, Anostomidae, Bagridae, Siluridae, and so on. Prepare to consider more than 20,000 aquarium fish.

Ugly fish:
If you like ugly fish, check out the fascinating Frogfish. Frogfish come from the Antennariuus Group and the family of Anennaridae. Frogfish tend to rest in warm saltwater, or seawater. The frogfish has a territorial behavior pattern, which requires well-matched companionship.

Starters should consider another type of fish, yet the frogfish is ideal for those desiring the ugly and fascinating creatures. Frogfish are kin prefer to live in peaceable environments and in areas where their kind rest. Concluding Frogfish, I want to say that this fish is notorious for hunting, trapping, and feasting on all sized fish, including larger fish.

Continuing, one of the all-time favorite fish is the famous goldfish. The goldfish come from the Carassius Auratus group and is family to the Cyprinidae. Goldfish are little critters and come in or shapes, colors, and size. Goldfish can grow up to 1 inch, or six inches in size. Goldfish are found in most pet shops, and are one of the easier freshwater fish to maintain. Many goldfish are omnivorous, which means the fish will eat about anything you toss their way, such as dried foods, live bait, vegetable materials, and animal materials. Provide these fellers plenty of plants and the goldfish will be your friend for life.

sobota, 9 kwietnia 2011

Tools in How to Maintain Aquariums and Fish Care

Tools in How to Maintain Aquariums and Fish Care

The tools you will need to maintain your aquarium include; siphons, scraper, net, bucket, water treatments, and so on. You will also need filters, gravel, ornaments, air pump, plants, etc. The filters will help you to keep out unwarranted chemicals. In all you can purchase biological, chemical, or mechanical filters. The filters help to remove waste, such as debris and ammonia. The filters include under-gravel, internal, and external filters. The better choice filters is the external filters, yet these filters more costly than the internal and under-gravel filters. In addition, you are recommended to combine under-gravel filters with either the internal or the external filters.

How to choose gravel
It is recommended that you purchase gravel from local pet stores, since the people working at the pet store can give you the best direction. However, most people prefer the pre-washed products. If you purchase non-washed gravel, you will need to boil, cleanse, and prepare before using. Therefore, pet stores offer you the best products, since the wrong gravel could also affect the pH water levels in your tank. When pH is not balanced it will affect your fish. Still, if you purchase pre-washed gravel, make sure you rinse it before putting the gravel into the tank.

How do I choose ornaments?
Like gravel, you may have to boil particular ornaments before inserting them into the fish tank. Therefore, it is recommended that you seek advice from the pet store reps, or else read the labels.

How do I choose plants?
You want to choose plants that do not grow higher than your fish tank. The plants should also fit your fish tank needs. In other words, purchase marine water plants or fish plants if possible.

How do I choose an air pump?
Again, you should ask the professionals, since a variety of air pumps are available. The pumps work to circulate or move air through turbulence, which increase the rates of oxygen soaked up at the surface. You can go online and type in fish air pumps, which will lead you to links. The links will provide you helpful information as well as a wide assortment of air pumps. Read the details as provided to determine the choice pumps. In addition, make sure that the pumps will accommodate the size of your aquarium.

In addition, to pumps, tools, plants, filters, etc, you will need test kits. The kits are scientifically designed to test chemicals in water. Test kits will help you monitor the quality of water to avoid over consumption of nitrates, ammonia, nitrites, etc. You can test pH balance with test kits as well. Fish produce a certain amount of ammonia through waste, which can be converted to nitrites, which fish feed off. To fish, nitrites are non-toxic since they too produce these chemicals.

You can also purchase water treatment to maintain water. Chlorine treatments are ideal, since tap water tends to include chloramines and chlorine. Fish do not take kindly to these two chemicals. Online, you will find in the fish section a wide array of chlorine and water treatments available. In addition, you can find such treatments where aquariums and fish are sold.

If you are, just purchasing fish and aquarium for the first time go online and learn about starter kits, as well as beginner fish. Some fish are easier to take care of than other types of fish. In the fish category, you want to look up information that will help you relate to saltwater fish and freshwater fish. Freshwater fish include the tropical and Coldwater fish.

Tetra Fish Care and Aquariums

Tetra Fish Care and Aquariums
How to

Tetra is popular tank freshwater fish. The fish are brightly colored, which the fish live in tropical regions. The freshwater fish comes from the family Characidae. Still, a variety of tetra families is available. Tetra includes the Anostomidae. The fish was captured from the lands of South and Central America and is sometimes called Headstanders. If you are searching for tank fish this fish is not ideal for communal tanking. If you already own this fish, he lives best in a non-communal tank.

Theses fellers are known as the Striped Anostomus, which come from South America and grow 6 inches in size. The breed has long pointed snouts, as well as a body shaped like a cylinder. The fish has straight lines, as well as circular ends, which are equivalent in size. The body transversely connects to gold and black stripes, which red dots that extend from top to bottom roots of the fish’s caudal fins. The colors extend leaving the fish lobes neutral. Like the Anostomidae breeds, this fish also swims with his head suspended down. However when the fish darts forward, his head immediately erects. The Anostomus-Anostomus are ideal to resident with larger fish. Anostomus-Anostomus tend to enjoy lettuce, frozen foods, etc. The fish does not demand specific water conditions. However, the water temperature should be at 78 degrees Fahrenheit. This fish requires additional study, since experts are not clear how the fish breeds or sexes.

Chilodus Punctatus commonly known as Pearl Headstander, as well as the Spotted Headstander originates from North South America. The fish grows around 3 ˝ inches in size. Chilodus Punctatus has a body that extends grayish and green colors over his body and sets off the colors with rows of brown specks. At a 45-degree horizontal angle, this fish tends to hang his head down. Chilodus Punctatus is a peaceful critter, which is conveniently stored in communal tanks. Chilodus Punctatus feeding habits include all foods, yet you must mix the meals with spinach, lettuce, or other green foods. Chilodus Punctatus prefer reasonably soft water conditions, as well as slight acidy water. The water temperature should be around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The female specie tends to weigh more than the male counterpart does. The fish breeds similar to the Characins, yet the eggs are brownish in color. The fish will lay around 200 eggs, which the fry or offspring are hard to nurture.

Lebiasinidae are similar to the Characins family. However, the fish has a lower jaw line, which does not include teeth. The South American fish has some of the prettiest relatives which habitat in tank water. The fish has an extended body. In addition, the Lebiasinidae is commonly known as the Pencilfishes, which methodically the fish has a classification to its kin as being one of the most disordered fishes in tank water. This particular species is named in the Genus specimen, which the fish is said to change color patterns frequently.

The Nannostomus Beckfordi species are commonly referred to as the Golden Pencilfish, or Beckford’s Pencilfish. The fish originated from British Guiana, and Amazon Basin. Nannostomus Beckfordi grows 1 ľ in size and has an extended body, which golden brown tints navigate through a top to bottom black stripes of edgy gold or red patterns. The fish changes color during night hours. This peaceful specie is ideal for communal tanks, which its hardy nature prefers reasonably soft waters, and will tolerate reasonably hard water. Neutral to insignificant acidy waters are acceptable as well. The water temperature should remain at 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Taking Care of Fish and Aquariums

Taking Care of Fish and Aquariums
How to

If you own fish and aquariums, you should have already researched to know how to take care of your fish and aquarium. If you have not, then it is important that you research, asked questions, read materials, etc, which will help you provide proper care to your fish and tank.

If you plan to purchase non-marine and marine fish combined, you will need to consider a variety of details. The one thing you want to avoid is inserting aggressive and non-aggressive fish into the same tank. Unless you want to lose money, this is the best recommendation anyone can offer you. Damsels are aggressive fish, which the fish are typically starter fish. Fish owners tend to start with damsels, since the fish are inexpensive and require less maintenance and attention. It is recommended that you only put two of the same or similar fish in a single aquarium.

In addition to fish, you will need to purchase with your aquarium test kits, buffers, filters, gravel, floss, and so on. It is important to keep fish water fresh. If you have, saltwater fish you will need to add salt every two weeks. In addition, you can purchase fish that will adapt well to saltwater, especially if you have primarily saltwater fish in your tank.

How to maintain freshwater fish
Common freshwater fish will adapt to nearly any type of tank. Saltwater fish tend to do well in reef tanks. Since freshwater fish will adapt to a variety of tanks, it is easier to take care of the fish. In fact, freshwater fish is recommended for beginners. In the category of freshwater fish are the tropical fish and the Coldwater fish. To help you get started we can consider aquariums.

Considering aquariums
The first thing you want to consider is the area you will place the aquarium. You want to make sure you have sufficient space at your home to spot the tank. You should never put fish aquariums near open Windows, or windows in general. The sunlight will cause photosynthetic organisms (Algae) to grow quicker. You will need to avoid spotting the tank near heaters, or doorways. It is important that you maintain room temperature when caring for fish. You can purchase dehumidifiers and humidifiers, which can help you, maintain room temperature. In addition, when you purchase your aquarium, make sure that you consider filters, floss, gravel, medicines, food, water, etc. You want to make sure that your plug sockets can handle the level of electricity required of fish aquariums.  

How to choose filters?
Filters are categorized as chemical, biological, and mechanical. You can purchase external, internal, and under-gravel filtration systems to support your fish aquarium. If you are just starting out in fish care and aquarium care, avoid the under-gravel filters since it will require excessive maintenance, as well as the filters do not produce quality power. However, you can use under-gravel filters in conjunction with mechanical, biological, or chemical filters. It is recommended to learn the actions performed by each filtering system before joining under-gravel filters with another filtration system.
One of the most popular filters utilized is the internal filters. The internal filters include foam cartridge(s) and a diminutive box. The filters work to draw liquid from grills. The liquids are then filtered by the foam cartridge, which exits through the nozzles found at the top of the filters. Beginners could benefit from using the internal filters, since indicators will alert you when to clean or replace the filters. Valves work to produce oxygen, which adds to the advantages of using internal filters. The internal filters also have filtering pads, which remove chemicals while using polyester and/or carbon pads. The strong synthetic fabrics produce low moisture, which absorbs the chemicals. The filters are hardwearing, which means you will not have to replace the filters as often.

Surpluses of Fish Care and Aquarium Info

Surpluses of Fish Care and Aquarium Info
How to Guide

On the market, you will find a wide array of freshwater fish, including the tropical and coldwater fish. Saltwater or seawater fish are also available. Many people who write articles related to fish care and aquariums speak of the damsels (Saltwater fish) as being on of the top starter fish, however, what they do not tell you is that 22,000 species of tank fish are available, which some are more suitable for starters than the damsel. Saltwater fish require a different strategy in maintaining water conditions, as well as feeding. Therefore, we can learn more about the types of fish to decide which fish are more suitable for starters. This article will focus on freshwater fish, since the tropical and coldwater fish are more desirable for starters.

Labeo Bicolor is the Red-tailed Black Shark fish. This fish comes from Thailand and grows 4 ˝ inches in size. The fish is popular for its appearance, which includes a torpedo shaped figure. The fish augments its silvery colors with flag-like dorsal, like that of a shark. These velvety black fish have reddish toned tail, which makes it one of the better specimens. The fish also has a trait that indicates he is not suitable for tank water. For example, the caudal fins are yellow and orange. However, the fish has a friendly nature, which makes him suitable for communal aquariums.

Labeo Bicolor has a mouth similar to a sucker, which makes this fish suitable to maintain purity of tank glass and plants. Labeo Bicolor tend to function well in communal waters, yet he is a bully to the lesser family affiliates. Labeo is a forager. That is this breed will feed off algae, as well as any choice of foodstuff. The upside about the Labeo is that he will help keep your aquarium clean, as well as the fish does not place a high demand on water conditions. Still, if you are choosing this breed, it is wise to select other fish that will adapt to the same living arrangements. It depends on the fish, however some will adapt to soft acidy waters, while others will adapt to hard alkalinity waters. This fish will propagate, yet very little instructions are available, therefore read all details at the pet shop before purchasing this fish for breeding purposes.

White Cloud Mountain Minnows or Tanichthys Albonubes originated in White Cloud Mountain Rivers, China, and Canton. The fish grow 1 Ľ inches in size, and have olive/brown bodies, which brilliant gold top and bottom stripes. The stripes extend to the roots and snout of the caudal or tail peduncle. The White Cloud fish will feast on all foodstuff and have a peaceful nature, making this fish one of the better communal tank species. The fish prefers reasonably hard or neutral water conditions. The temperature should be set at 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Moreover, not to succeed a temperature above 70 degrees Fahrenheit:  Many fish prefer temperatures at 80 degrees Fahrenheit. As you can see, the White Cloud Mountain Minnows are more along the Coldwater (Freshwater fish) lines. The females are slightly plumper than its male counterpart is.

How to breed the White Cloud
White Cloud fish breed in the same fashion as that of the Brachydanio. To breed Brachydanio, including the Rerio, it is suggested that you supply one half-inch in diameters of pebbles, which equals out to 1 inch coating of pebbles at the lower surface of the aquarium. The depth of water should not go beyond three inches. Furthermore, the fish prefer to breed in longer aquariums.

Starters in Aquarium and Fish Care

Starters in Aquarium and Fish Care
How to

Available online you will find starter kits, as well as beginner fish. Fish tanks include nitrogen cycles, which is produced by ammonia, nitrates, and nitrates. Fish naturally produce such chemicals, yet the chemicals must be balanced so that the fish will not become ill or die.

Starter kits are available, which supply additives, such as ammonia. Since, fish tanks require a degree of ammonia, the starter kits are ideal for beginners. Starter fish are also available, which can produce adequate supply of ammonia. If you purchased a coldwater tank, goldfish is a great starter fish.

When you first purchase your aquarium and fish, you want to make sure the nitrogen cycles are sufficient to provide fish the correct amount of ammonia. Tanks typically include plants, which plants will aid in purifying your tank by absorbing chemicals and providing oxygen. Plants also break down ammonia and water, which the plants will filter ammonia and bacterial in the water. Since, fish produce nitrates or ammonia, the plants will help you maintain a balance. If you ammonize your tank with starter fish, make sure you avoid overfeeding the fish. Use your test kits to check the level of ammonia in the water. Generally, it takes around five weeks or longer to ammonize your tank properly. You can purchase starter kits, or products that will help speed up the process so that you can add more fish.

Once you purchase your tank and prepare to set up the tank, make sure that you have a stand that will securely hold the tank. You want to avoid situating the stand/aquarium near windows, doors, or heaters. This will only increase algae build up, which will make your maintenance job tougher.

Once you tank is setup you can add gravel after boiling and rinsing. If you purchased pre-washed gravel you will not have to boil the gravel before putting it into the take, still you will need to rinse. Start adding the gravel toward the back of the tank for the best results. In addition, it depends on the filter you purchased as to the height of gravel placed at the front of the tank. For instance, under-gravel filters require that you use lower levels of gravel near the front of the tank. It is recommended that you install the filters and heaters last after setting up your tank properly. On the other hand, if you purchased powered filters, you should install the filters before adding gravel.

After you add your gravel, you can add ornaments and plants. Make sure you purchase marine based plants. At the start, you should only fill your tank halfway, and then completely fill it after you have added your additives. You want to use pre-treated water, to fill the tank halfway. Once the tank is full, put your thermometer in place. Next, prime the filters, which you will have available instructions with your purchase.

If you chose other than goldfish to ammonize the tank, then wait a few weeks before adding fish. On the other hand, if you chose goldfish, you can add the fish to the tank to start the ammonize process. You can prepare the fish for tank water by allowing them to float at the top of the aquarium while still bagged. In addition, you will need lights and a hood to fit over the top of your aquarium. In fact, most aquariums today come with hoods included. The hood is used to keep out critters and keep your fish in the tank. As well, the hood will help regulate the tank lights.

Specimens in Fish Care and Aquariums

Specimens in Fish Care and Aquariums
How to treat Tetra Species

Tetris fish come in a wide variety, which include the Paracheirodon Axelrodi. The fish has a common name known as Cardinal Tetra. This fish type grows 1 Ľ inches in size and comes from the Upper Rio Negro, Columbia, and Brazil. Similar to the Neon Tetra in color this fish differs in that it has a broader spectrum of colors. Unlike Neon fish, the Cardinals have red colors on the cover of their gill. The fish feed and expect water conditions same as the Neon fish. In addition, the fish sex, breed, etc, same as the Neon fish.

Opella Arnoldi
This breed is commonly known as Spraying Characin. The fish grows around 3 inches in size and comes from Guiana, Venezuela, and Brazil. Sprays have elongated fins, as well as a slim body. Spraying Characin feeds on all foods and prefers neutral or soft water conditions.

How do the fish breed?
Spraying Characin spawns on the surface of overhanging leaves. In addition, the fish may spawn at bottom surface area of the aquarium. Spraying Characin prefer to breed in thinly planted aquariums, whereas around 15 gallons of water is added. The level is usually 1 ˝ inches below the glass cover. This fish only produces around 15 eggs, which the fish will fall back into the water once the eggs are deposited. In addition, the fish will repeat this procedure until around one hundred eggs are deposited.

How are the eggs maintained?
Once the fish spawn, remove the female fish from the tank. Contrary to mother natures arrangement the male handles egg care. The male will splash water over the eggs. If the eggs fall into the water however, the male fish will feast on the hatch. If you notice the male attempting to eat the eggs, remove him also from the tank.

Egg care
Once you remove the male from the tank, fix an aerator stone in the tank. The stones will promote spray to bubble, which will maintain the health of the eggs. Lastly, you want to remove the male fish again around the fourth day, since the fry will seep into the waters.

Copeina Guttata
Copeina Guttata is known as the Red-spotted Copeina, which this fish comes from Central Amazon and grows around 4 inches in size. Outside of aquariums, this fish grows around 5 inches in size. The fish combines orange-red colors with yellow fins and bluish-silver body.

This fish is ideal to keep in larger tanks. The fish is peaceful, yet its size demands divert attention of communal tank residency. The fish requires the same feeding patterns and water condition as the C. Arnoldi fish.

How do they breed?
These fish pair, in that the colorful male mates with the female. The male is notable by his red dotted flank. Breeding takes place when the female layers her eggs in the gravel. Flat stone is optional as well. Once the female lays around 300 eggs, she should be removed from the tank. The male should be removed once the fry fish are prepared to swim on his own.

The fish comes from Central and/or South America. These fish are some of the most colorful fish sold. The downside is the breed is huge, which is not ideal for communal tanks. Sometimes the fish are called Headstanders, since this fish tends to hang his head down while he drifts.
A variety of other market fish are available including the Anostomus Anostomus, Chilodus Punctatus, Lebiasinidae, Nannostomus Beckfordi, Nannostomus Eques, and so on. Typically, purchasers receive instructions with aquarium and fish purchase, read them.

Silver Dollar Aquarium and Fish Care

Silver Dollar Aquarium and Fish Care  
How to maintain fish

Silver Dollar is one of the Metynnis Lippincottianus fish species. Metynnis Lippincottianus or Silver Dollar fish comes from Amazon Basin and grows up to five inches in size. The Silver Dollar is one of the popularly sold fish on the market. The fish has a strong pressed oval shaped body. Silver Dollar fish are passive creatures, which like to live peacefully with other fish. In addition, the fish prefer to live in a large tank and reside with their own species. This fish has a nature side, which promotes him to destroy plants, which include Vallisneria plants. In a couple of days, you will be purchasing new plants. Therefore, it is important that you feed this fish when he is hungry. The little fellers like lettuce, sprouts, spinach, as well as meaty dishes.

Metynnis Lippincottianus tend to enjoy moderate soft water conditions, as well as faintly acidy waters. Metynnis Lippincottianus fish will breed, as well as produce hundreds of eggs at a given time. The eggs usually hatch in a few days. Prepare for an army.

Shreitmueller or Metynnis Hypsauchen originates from Amazon Basin areas. The fish grow 6 inches in size a have strong pressed oval shaped bodies. The fish has behaviors similar to the Metynnis Lippincottianus; as well, their feeding patterns, habits, etc are similar. In addition, Metynnis Hypsauchen has similar water condition demands as that of the Metynnis Lippincottianus fish.

The only significant differ between the Metynnis Lippincottianus fish and the Hypsauchen is that these fish lay thousands of eggs in one hatching. This requires that you prepare for a larger army, which the hatchlings must have a water temperature at 82 degrees.

Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi
This fish group is commonly known as the Black Tetra. The fish is also known as the Petticoat and Blackamoor Fish. Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi come from Bolivia, Argentina, and Brazil and grows up to 2 inches in size.

The fan-like fins, anal, and dorsal is often black. The jet-black species have 2-vertical black coated bars that line the silver sides, or flanks. This is a good tank fish; however, the fish have instincts to nibble at other fish fins. The fish enjoy dry foods, as well as a variety of foodstuff. Gymnocorymbus Ternetzi does not place a high demand on the water conditions. The water temperature should remain at 68 degrees or 70 degrees Fahrenheit. You can breed these fish in moderately hard waters or neutral waters. The fish lay hundreds of eggs, which hatch in one day. Hatchlings require infusoria foodstuff at the start.

Pristella Maxillaris otherwise known as X-ray fish, Pristella, or Goldfinch come from the Northern South American areas. The fish only grow around 1 and half inches in size. Pristella have transparent bodies. This fish is ideal for commune tanks, since the fish is passive in nature.

Pristella Maxillaris will feast on all foods, and require water conditions or temperature set between 72 degrees and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. This fish lays up to 500 eggs and is one of the easier to breed specimen. The hatchlings are usually delivered in one day.

In all you will find a wide array of fish at pet stores. Each specimen has its own needs, yet many are similar in nature. Additional fish include the Hemigrammus Erythrozonus species, Hyphessobrycon Flammeus breeds, and the Paracheirodon innesi. Hyphessobrycon Pulchripinnis is specie available. If you are just starting out avoid the Piranhas and the Characin species. The carnivores will eat other fish, as well as fleshy dishes. Piranhas are better left for fish experts to maintain.

Puntius Fish Care and Aquariums

Puntius Fish Care and Aquariums
How to care for Barbs and Puntius

If you intend to own fish it is important that you learn fish care and how to upkeep aquariums. Fish are living beings that require food, oxygen, water, attention, and a clean atmosphere. If you are not prepared to maintain fish health, water, and aquariums, you are probably better off collecting rocks. The advantage you have today is that most modern aquariums are self-sufficient. The tanks include switches and controls, which enable you to regulate lights, filters, food, dosage, and so on. In addition, today’s tanks enable you to handle a large volume of plants and fish without stressing over water conditions, and purities. Test kits are available that enable you to control the waters chemical intake. To get started we can consider a few types of fish to help you better select breeds.

Barbs are one of the largest groups of fish that offers variety in aquarium waters. The fish are typically happy-go-lucky creatures, which have colorful designs. The active fish are the easiest to feed; as well, the fish are not finicky when it comes to water conditions. Furthermore, if you are searching for breeder, this is the fish of choice. Barbs tend to grow 2 inches, 3 inches, or larger. The barbs should be separated, and grouped in communal tanks. In other words, group the smaller barbs, separating them from the larger barbs. The larger species are good-looking, yet these critters tend to rip apart aquarium goodies, such as plants. The fish have tendencies of steering up trouble in tanks; therefore, it is wise to read all available information related to the larger barbs. The fish will breed, which the fry must be fed infusoria at the start. The larger barbs can digest saltwater shrimp.

How they live
Barbs prefer to live in larger swimming areas, which are well oxygenated. If you group the barbs in smaller tanks, they will feel stressed and may cause a disturbance.

Barbs generally lay eggs that will stick, therefore fish owners should place pebbles at the bottom of the tank, as well as a high volume of plants. Willow root and nylon are optional. Since these greedy fish will eat their own, after spawning is recommended that you remove the adult fish from the tank.

Puntius Conchonius is commonly referred to the Red Barb or Rosy Barb fish. The fish derived from India, and grow around 2 ˝ inches in size. In good tank condition, the fish will light up an environment with their silver colored bodies, which produce covers of deep rosy red. At times the fish change colors to a pale greenish shade. Black tints setoff the fishes fins. This energetic fish has a calm and quiet nature. Due to his boisterousness side, you want to house him with fish his own size.

Water conditions
The Puntius tends to dwell in reasonably, or neutral alkalinity waters, as well as moderate hard waters. The water temperature should be set at 78 degrees Fahrenheit. The fish have a vigorous demand for foodstuff, since he will eat all foods given to him. If you are breeding fish for the first time, this is the choice fish. The fish will spawn around 300 layers.

Akin to the Puntius Conchonius is the Puntius Nigrofasciatus group. These fish are commonly called the Purple Head Barbs or the Black Ruby. The fish group comes from Ceylon and grows around 2 ˝ inches in size. The male counterparts differ in color. The female group tends to present dark stripes in a vertical line over a yellowish-gray figure. This fish is also easy to breed and will tolerate most water conditions, as well as foods.

Pomacentridae Fish Care and Aquarium

Pomacentridae Fish Care and Aquarium
How to

Members of the Pomacentridae family include the Amphiprion Rubrocinctus and the Amphiprion Ocellaris. The Amphiprion Rubrocinctus is better known as the Clown Anemone Fish. The second fish is commonly referred to the Red-Gridled Anemone.

The Clown fish are biologically natured to dine off smaller fish. The Clowns come from the Australian, Japan, and Indo-Pacific waters. Clown fish tend to have rectangle bodies, which its colors are bright orange. The head area is often lighter orange. The fish have black edges, which are offset by white perpendicular bars. The head and eyes is where most of the white bars produce its color. Clown fish grow up to 3 inches in size. The Clown fish in fact was characterized in “Finding Nemo.” Nemo and his father are perfect examples of the Clown Anemone.

Clown fish tend to prefer water temperatures between 77 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition, the fish prefer a ph balance at eight and no higher than 8.5. The water density should be set at 1.0 23. The fish should be situated in a tank of fish that all enjoy strong lighting; as well, the fish prefers sandy areas. Do not forget to add a surplus of furnishings and substrate to the tank, since this is one of the high maintenance fish. Considering “Finding Nemo” again, since you will see the fish prefer luxury.  

The Clown fish has next to zero sexual preferences. The fish’s behavior is remarkably distinguished from other fish. Clown fish seem to closely associate with chemicals and mechanisms of two distinctive organisms. The fish demand a capable dwelling, i.e. you should keep fish of his kind in the same tank and avoid putting sea anemones, including the giant anemones. These fish pose risks to the Clown fish.

Red-Gridled Anemone comes from the Pomacentridae family. This particular specie derived from the Japan, Australian, and Indo-Pacific Oceans. In tanks, the Red-Gridled desires water temperatures between 75 degrees and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Water density desired by the red-Gridled is around 1.0 20, or 1.0 23. The pH balance should rest at 8.3 and no higher than 8.6. This fish is similar to the Clown fish in that the Red-Girdled fish prefer luxury housing with plenty of furnishing, quality lighting, and so on. Stones are a plus. The Red-Gridled fish have a deep body, which its colors are similar to the Clown fish. The head is pale orange, while the body is brighter orange. The head and eyes differ slightly than that of the Clown fish, in that, the eyes are yellowish, while the head is has perpendicular white bars. To fish grows about 3 inches in size, and does not have sexual preferences.

The Pomacentridae breeds also include the Orange Fin Anemone and the Black Back Anemone. It is a matter of opinions; however, the Black Back fish is prettier than the Orange Fin. The Orange fin has light yellowish-orange flavors with vertical white bars near the upper area of the eyes and lower section of the body. Black tints highlight the white bars. The Black Back fish has a white vertical bar in the same proximity as the Orange Fin.

In addition, the Black Back has glowing orange contrasted colors, which black patches highlight the orange body; as well, the fins have a yellowish tone. The downside is the fish lose its color during maturity, at least the head bars whitest color is lost.

The Orange Fin fish swim the tropical Indo Pacific Ocean, while the Black Back fish roam the Andaman Seas. To learn more about Pomacentridae continue reading articles on the Internet

Nannostomus Fish Care and Aquariums

Nannostomus Fish Care and Aquariums
How to care for Nannostomus species

If you are considering tanks and fish, care is sure to learn more about the types of fish on the market. Having an overall ideal as to the type of fish can help you handle fish care and aquariums with less after. Keep in mind that aquariums today are equipped with electronic devices, switches, controls, etc, which enable you to use the components to maintain your aquarium. Still you will need a test kit, and a few other items to keep up your aquarium. In addition, fish are all different, yet some species are similar in comparison. Again knowing the species can help you maintain your aquarium as well, since some fish prefer hard water, soft water, acidy water, alkalinity water, and so on. To help you relate to fish and to work toward maintaining your tank, we can review a few types of fish.

Nannostomus include the Eques, Marginatus, Unifasciatus, Trifasciatus, and the Beckfordi species. Nannostomus Eques originated from the Amazons. The fish are commonly referred to as Nannobrycon Eque, or Poecilobrycon. The Tube Mouth fish as he is commonly named grows at a size of 2 inches. The species are sometimes called the Brown-Tailed Pencilfish, or simply Pencilfish. This fish has a stretched out snout and swims in the tank at an angle. Nannostomus are peaceful fish, which tend to prefer the same water conditions. The water should be set between 78 degrees and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The male fish tend to be slimmer than the Nannostomus female. In addition, the fish spawn on broadleaf plants. Check out the Ludwigia plants and the Hygrophila.

Nannostomus Marginatus is commonly known as the Dwarf Pencilfish. This fish comes from the western areas of Guiana. The fish is of the smaller breed in that they usually grow one, Ľ inches in size. Still, this stocky breed has some pretty colors that make him appear big. The fish has black stripes, which red colors sprinkle over his fins.

Nannostomus Margin is a peaceful fish, and a bit introverted. Due to his introverted nature and peaceful side, it is best to keep the Marginatus in tanks where smaller fish dwell. The Nannostomus Marginatus feed and expect water conditions in the same way that the Nannostomus Anomalus expect. Nannostomus Marginatus female fish tend to present a lighter color than that of her male counterpart. This fish is ideal for breeding.

Nannostomus Unifasciatus is commonly known as the Tail-eyed Pencilfish. As well, the Nannostomus Unifasciatus is sometimes called the One-Line Pencilfish. This specie comes from the Amazon and Guiana. Nannostomus Unifasciatus grow around 2 inches in size. This specie in particular is one of the most colorful breeds on the market. The fish has a lower lobe, which is brilliantly decorated with colorful spots. The fins enlarge.

Nannostomus Unifasciatus has a friendly nature and is suitable for communal tanks. The fish feed and expect water conditions comparable to the Nannostomus specimens. To date this fish is not a choice of breeding angle, since studies are inconclusive. Yet, if you purchase the fish, you may monitor its behaviors on your own to learn more.

The Nannostomus Beckfordi is popularly known as the Beckford’s Pencilfish, or the Golden Pencilfish. The fish matures at 1 ľ inches in size and comes from Guiana and the Amazon Basin. This breed is peaceful in nature, which makes him subject to communal tanks. The hardy specie however has a fragile appearance. Still, he can hang his hat in communal waters without a problem.

To learn more about fish types, care, and tank care visit the Internet, local pet stores, or your local library.

piątek, 8 kwietnia 2011

Mollies, Guppy Aquarium, and Fish Care

Mollies, Guppy Aquarium, and Fish Care
How to

Mollies come from Poecilia spp. and the Poeciliidae family. The Mollies is one of the favorite tank fish, since the fish is similar to the swordtail fish. The swordtail comes from the Xiphophorus helleri group. The molly however does not have a swordtail, rather a larger fin, known as the dorsal. The fish has a variety of shapes, and is reaches up to 4 to 4 ľ inches in size. The males only grow to 3 1/3 or 4 inches at most. Mollies male and female counterparts differ in color, size, and gonopodium. The fish can live in extreme wide-ranging environments, and will suit in estuaries habitats. The water temperature desired of the molly is 72 degrees, not succeeding 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Mollies also prefer hard water, which the pH level should be set at seven or eight. The fish will reside in hard waters, which salt is needed. Mollies enjoy house furnishing, lights, well-planted areas, thin layers of humus, and so on.

Mollies will feed on vegetables, including spinach as well as algae. The fish are omnivorous in nature. Mollies have a biological lively nature, which the schooling fish desires constant water flow. The fish are livebearers and breed successfully providing plenty spawns. In addition, mollies are sociable, yet the fish should be kept in communal tanks where large schools exist.

Guppy fish listed under Poecilia reticulata is kin to the family of Poeciliidae. The fish comes from the waters in Guyana, Venezuela, Brazil, Trinidad, and Barbados. The environment desired is still, flowing waters. The fish prefer water temperatures at 68 degrees and no higher than 75 degrees Fahrenheit. The pH level should not succeed eight, nor go below seven. The water preferred is hard water, which the fish can live in extreme hard water conditions as well. Tank: The fish prefer illuminated tanks with plenty of furnishing. You should store the fish in a medium tank and provide them rich vegetation and plants. The fish will eat all sorts of foodstuff. Biological nature; The biological loose school natured fish will be on the constant go, therefore he does not have time for long-drawn out schooling arenas. The fish are good breeding fish, yet beware, since Guppy will eat their own youth. You should keep Guppy fish in tank aquariums where other live bearing fish reside.

Nowadays the aquariums are ecosystems include a wide assortment of technology advanced qualities. Air and water pollution has increased the need for aquarium life, which in accordance technology has advanced the tanks to meet the high demand of aquarists. Tanks today are constructed by technological experts, which design real water aquarium environments. Most tanks sold today, include advanced electrical circuits, plugs, filters, air supply, etc. The market is saturated with tanks that will allow you to raise or lower the water temperatures. The light switches enable you to vary in intensity, thus lowering or increasing the light production. In addition, you have a wide array of on and off switches, which utilize mechanical timers that permit aquarists to easily adjust water temperatures and light intensity.

One advantage of tanks today, is that most tanks are equipped to handle nearly all fish available on the market. The problem is all fish are different and require their own special attention. Therefore, you should never group fishes with fish that prefer to live with their own kind. In addition, seawater/saltwater and freshwater fish differ. The freshwater fish include the Tropical and Coldwater fish. Learn more about the species to save face in fish care and aquarium keep.

Marine Fish Care and Aquarium

Marine Fish Care and Aquarium
How to

Marine fish include the Acanthurus leucosternon and Acanthurus lineadae. The first breed is the Powder Blue Surgeonfish. The Surgeonfish come from the family of Acanthuridae, which dwells in the tropical Indo-Pacific Oceans. This pressed oval shape fish has a small mouth and pectoral fins. The fins are long. In addition, the fish has low, shallow notches around his caudal fins. Powder Blue Surgeonfish have black masked face, sky blue body, and yellow stripes around the lower jaw and striped down the scalpel spine. White bars contrast the multi-colors. Powder Blue Surgeonfish grow up to 11 ľ inches in size.

Powder Blue Surgeonfish Environmental Preferences
Powder Blue Surgeonfish prefer water temperatures at 77 degrees to 84 degrees Fahrenheit. Powder Blue Surgeonfish prefer substrate environments, as well as a pH balance at 8.2 to 9.4. Water density should be around 1.020 at all times. The tank should have good lighting. As well, the tank should be large and have a sandy bottom. The Powder Blue Surgeonfish is a good tank fish, since it feeds of algae. The downside is the fish will eat smaller creatures. The fish will also eat the flesh of Enchytraea mussels. In addition, the fish will eat particular shrimps, such as the Mysis. Powder Blue Surgeonfish will also eat dried foodstuffs, as well as vegetables.

Powder Blue Surgeonfish has a biological nature. The fish is energized and always on the run. This fish prefers to roam on his own, therefore if you attempt to put this fish in a tank with other fish, beware.

Acanthurus lineatus
The Clown Surgeonfish come from the family of Acanthuridae. The fish habitats in various areas of the Pacific Indian Oceans: The Clown Surgeonfish is somewhat ugly, yet his ugliness is appealing if that makes sense. The fish has electric or powdered blue, violet, or gray-blue colors. The fish has yellow-brownish pinstripes as well. The fish grows up to 8 inches and has a narrow caudal fin. Clown Surgeonfish prefer water temperatures between 75 degrees and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Water density is expected to be at 1.023 and the pH balance level over eight. The fish expects good light, and demands sufficient hiding corners, as well as luxury tank furnishings. The fish prefers to eat zooplanktons, and you should vary the foodstuff, since this fish does not adapt easily to aquarium foods. NOTE: Zooplanktons consist of microscopic animals, which include protozoan.

Clown Surgeonfish does not acclimatize well in aquarium environments. The fish has a nervous nature, which includes an anti-social side. The fish should reside with his own kin. You should take care when handling the Clown Surgeonfish since its spiny tail will inflict painful wounds.

The Gold Rim Surgeonfish is a family to the Acanthuridae fish, and is found under Acanthurus Glaucopareius. The tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean fish has a violent and brown tinted shade that offsets blue/orange fins. The fins have white edging that offset wide white striped cheeks. The stripes also set off the mouth and eyes. This critter grows up to 13 ľ inches in size. Gold Rim fish dwell in water temperatures set between 75 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit. The pH level should be set at eight and the density should be around 1.027. You want to arrange the bottom of the tank with sand and stones, as well provide these critter good lights. The fish also demands a surplus of furnishings, as well as substrate environments. The fish demands that you provide him a variety of foods, since he is finicky. In addition, the fish has a biological nature and is known for is activeness swimming.  

Marine and Freshwater Fish Aquarium Care

Marine and Freshwater Fish Aquarium Care
How to plan your aquarium and more

If you purchased freshwater fish and aquarium, you have a couple different approaches you can take to plan setup. For example, you can plan a natural aquarium approach, or an ornamental approach. Keep in mind that scientifically there is no such thing as a natural approach in fish care. Fish were intended to be outdoors, not indoors. However, you can substitute making the tank as close to natural as possible. Aquarium fish live based on their adaptability to changing conditions. Fish have a natural will to live, and although you maintain the fish tank, the fish is the sole reason of his survival.

Aquariums are uncharacterized, since the containers isolate the fish from its beneficial biosphere. In summary tank atmospheres, have organic parameters that differ from natural atmospheres. Captive fish (Freshwater fish, saltwater, tropical and coldwater fish) have the ability to survive in aquariums regardless of the differences. However, the fish rely on humans, since humans must detect weakening water conditions, or environmental conditions. In addition, fish caregivers must be able to prevent such conditions from occurring. To relate to this you must learn more about aquariums and the types of water fish require for surviving.

Framed Aquariums
If you purchase a framed aquarium, the fish water must be fresh at all times. Framed aquariums are a choice for many because of its economical cost. In addition, the tanks are eye-catching which draws many to the frame tanks. Today, such tanks are near outdated. The framed tanks have metal frameworks, which are sometimes made of plastic. The tanks have glass walls, which the materials to bind the tanks cause corrosion rather quickly. Plexiglas is a more suitable tank, yet it too has its drawbacks. The tanks tend to lose its lucidity and scuffs easily. Tanks that are made of glass and are lined with silicone-based compound adhesives is said to be the better tanks. The glass tanks tend to offer hardy wear. In addition, glass tanks have joints, which provide suppleness.

Freshwater has a natural degree of gas, acids, and salt. You will need an electrical conductivity to measure the amount, which is commonly referred as test kits. The kits will help you test calcium buildup and sodium buildup, as well as related chemical builds up. Water is classified as soft or hard water, which is determined by calcium and sodium build up.

Freshwater fish refers
Freshwater fish may refer softer water, brackish, or hard water. You can use water free of chlorine, which most freshwater fish will adapt to well. Spring water, pure tap water, and pure well water is ideal for freshwater fish.

How is brackish water produced?    
Brackish water is salty. You can measure the water with hydrometers when adding sea salt to create brackish water.

How do I make the water softer?
You can make the water softer by adding distilled water.

Keep in mind that few types of fish require acidy water. The acid helps in the reproduction phase. Acidy water is usually yellowish-brown, or amber.

How do I find acidy water?
You can find acidy water in peat soils, which are deposits of organic debris. The compact deposits come from partly decayed organic debris, which is usually soaked in water. Chemical additives, as well as woods also produce acidy water. Read more about tannic acids to learn about acidy water and chemical additives.

What kind of water do saltwater fish require?
Saltwater fish require seawater or saltwater. Seawater has somewhere between two and four fractions for each thousand. It is important that you match this figure when keeping seawater, or saltwater fish in aquariums.  

Loach Fish Care and Aquariums

Loach Fish Care and Aquariums
How to Maintain Loach Fish

Loach fish come from the family of Cobitidae, Acanthophthalmus Semicinctus, and the Botia Macracantha group. Online you will find helpful information that will inform you about the different types of fish, which in this article we will cover, a small selection.

Acanthophthalmus Semicinctus
Acanthophthalmus Semicinctus includes the various Loach families. Loach fish such as the Acanthophthalmus Semicinctus breeds come from India. The fish mature to 3 ˝ inches in size. Acanthophthalmus Semicinctus is commonly known as the Half Band Coolie fish, which the off breeds include the European group. Half Band Coolie Loaches has a body like a snake. The body resembles an Eastern Coral Snake, in that the yellow and black shades offset a pinkish colored belly. Acanthophthalmus Semicinctus includes the sub-species and distinct species. Acanthophthalmus Semicinctus are generally communal fish, which have a calming nature. The tanks however should have minimal plants, as well as deposits of debris. (Peat) These breeds of Half Band Coolies tend to hide. The fish enjoy feasting on photosynthetic organisms, as well as Tubifex. The fish will eat all sorts of food, yet they require a clean water system. Half Band Coolie fish often do not stress water condition, yet the fish are inclined to moderate or neutral waters. The water temperature should remain at 78 degrees Fahrenheit.

Botia Macracantha is commonly known as the Tiger Botia or the Clown Loach fish. The fish grow around 4 ˝ inches and size and come from Borneo and Sumatra. The fish have similar colors compared to the Tiger Barbs. The body color is golden yellow, which is offset by 3-shadowy bluish black stripes. The Botia Macracantha of this breed makes a nice friendly communal tank resident. However, these fish are skirmish to light and demands a place to hide. If you are looking for a hunter, thus the Botia Macracantha Tiger of Clown fish is your choice.

Water conditions
Botias enjoy moderate hard water, or alkalinity based water. It is recommended that you avoid acidity waters. In addition, the water temperature should remain at 70 degrees Fahrenheit and no higher than 75 degrees Fahrenheit. This is not a breeding fish.

Siluridae comes from the family group of fish known as the Asiatic. The fish is also akin to the European catfish. These particular species is now one of the popular fish sold for aquarists’ usage.

In fact, the Siluridae rests more along the family side of the naked skin European catfish. The fish family from Asia typically enjoy climatic conditions, including flora, and faunas.

Into the bargain are the algae gnawers. The gnawers include the family group of Loach fish known as the European freshwater Cyprinids off breeds, such as the Cobitidae. The fish hunters are comparable to the Carp group, in that the fish have teeth. Cyprinids sometimes have four barbels, which is located around its upper jaw. Cyprinids are also kin to the minnows. The Minnows, Carps and sometimes the Loach fish have rounded scales, soft fins, and toothless jaws. The Spiny Loach compiles bifid spines, which is positioned just under the eyes. Spiny Loach’s bifid erects from a flat folded position when threatened. The Spiny Loaches request an area to surface, since the fish naturally live in murky, mud-spattered waters. The murkiness and mucky waters sets boundaries for oxygen intake. Amongst the spiny loach is the weather fish. These fish, like other types of loach fish do not take kindly to stressful waters.

In addition to the Loach, fish is the body of Glass Catfish. This group of fish is listed under the family of Kryptopterus Bicirrhis.

Leopard Balistidae Fish Care and Aquarium

Leopard Balistidae Fish Care and Aquarium
How to

The Leopard Filefish caught my interest. This bona fid ugly marine fish comes from the family of Balistidae. The fish is commonly found in the Amanses Sandwichiensis group. The fish dwells in the Pacific, Atlantic, and the Indian Oceans. The fish is also found in the Red Sea. Ironically, this fish has a friendly biological nature; and will dwell with other aquarium fish. The Gold Rim has its ugly nature, yet a bit more attractive than the Leopard Filefish. The Filefish feeds on most foods, including omnivorous and sting sea anemones.

Environmental conditions
Filefish prefer to live in water temperatures set between 75 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. The water density should be set at 1.023 and the pH balance around eight. Filefish must have substrate and good-lighted areas, as well as sandy-bottomed tanks. Filefish prefer to live in well-furnished houses, as well as sheltered structures in vertical nature.

The Leopard Filefish enjoy the same foods as the Gold Rim, i.e. omnivorous foods, sting sea anemones, and so on.

The fish is a sociable critter that has a horn-like structure on his forehead. His eyes are colorful blue with brownish-orange rims. Filefish also have erect large pelvic spines, which have flapped skin lose around the area. The Gold Rim fish comes from Indo-Pacific as well, and is not kin to the Leopard Filefish.

Frogfish is another group of ugly fish. The Frogfish kin to the Antennariidae family, and is listed in the Antennarius spp. Group.  In fact, the Frogfish makes the bona fid ugly Leopard Filefish look good. This fish resembles a combination between a fish and frog. The fish is a member of the genus and is found in warm areas. The fishes are shaped like clumsy and squats combined really, and include a fishing rod. Frogfish has growths on its thick skin, which slopes perpendicularly up to its open mouth. The fish has no problem camouflaging amongst other fish. He grows around 5 to 8 inches in size and has no known sexual preference.

Environmental Conditions
You will need to seek advice from your supplier. This fish differs as to what type of environment it prefers.

Frogfish lurk behind rocks; therefore, the aquarium should have a surplus of rocks so that fish will have a hiding space to hunt its food. Frogfish can overpower larger fish groups; therefore, you should seek advice as to what types of fish to house with this critter. In addition, the fish is finicky in tank eating; therefore consider feeding him strips of meat and/or fish. This is territorial fish, which can keep with kin species of peaceful nature. The first experience, i.e. at the start the fish should have his own dwelling without social gathering.

Some of the interesting marine fish include the Boxfish or Trunkfish, and the Pufferfish. The Boxfish/Trunkfish derive from the Ostracion spp. This fish is of the genus that dwells in the tropical Indo Pacific Oceans. The Boxfish has a yellow frame that is sprinkled with block spots. In fact, his eyes are rimmed in darker yellow, yet the eyes are blackish. The environmental nature includes water temperatures at 75 degrees, 82, and/or 86 degrees Fahrenheit. The waters density should be set at 1.018 or no higher than 1.030. The fish expects good lighting, and the tank should have substrate, sandy bottom. Don’t forget to supply sufficient hiding space. Boxfish on omnivorous goods, more so than other foodstuff:  The fish are sociable, and have interesting eye behaviors. NOTE: Few of the Trunkfish or Boxfish have unsociable nature and are vicious.

czwartek, 7 kwietnia 2011

Killifish and Loach Fish Care and Aquarium

Killifish and Loach Fish Care and Aquarium
How to prolong fish life

Fish are like people in many ways, in that the fish demand oxygen, food, water, cleanliness, tender loving care, associations, and so on. The primary source of fish survival however is water. Freshwater fish are like humans, in that the fish cannot digest large volumes of saltwater, yet some freshwater fish can tolerate a smudge of salt. Saltwater fish on the other hand, demand saltwater. The fish come from oceans, seas, and related waters all over the world. Freshwater fish come from ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, etc. Some of the fish available include the Killifish and Loach fish.

Loach fish come in a wide variety, including the family of Cobitidae. The prime fish are made up of nocturnal and are relate to catfish. The fish primarily live at the bottom of waters, which barbels help them to sift through gravel. The Kuli Loach is one of the Loach fish that has a long snake-like body. The fish is a favorite aquarium choice. Some people describe the Kuli as having a worm shape body. Kuli does not tolerate bright lights, and prefers hiding areas. The fish tends to habitat in the back corners and enjoys cave environments. The fish is shy in nature, unless you keep fish of its kind in the same tank. Kuli enjoys feasting on Tubifex. The fish has a thin, long body, which grows up to 3 inches in size. The fish has a peaceful nature, and lives will in communal tanks.

Loach fish come from the family of Cobitidae, Acanthophthalmus Semicinctus, and the Botia Macracantha group, which you can find these fish in most pet stores. One of the easiest to care for in the Loach category is the Botias. This fish enjoys moderate hard water, or alkalinity based water. It is recommended that you avoid acidity waters. In addition, the water temperature should remain at 70 degrees Fahrenheit and no higher than 75 degrees Fahrenheit. The Botia makes a welcoming communal tank neighbor. Botia also includes the Tiger and Clown Fish. To learn more about these fish check online or consult with your supplier.

Kuli Loach Preferred Water conditions
Kuli enjoys slight acidy waters, or neutral water, and does not have a pH preference. Tank condition: This shy fish does not care for bright lights; therefore, you should give him a home in plant dense aquariums with plenty of areas to hide.

Kuli takes delight in feasting off Tubifex, yet he will eat frozen foods, as well as a selection of dried foods.

Killifish come from the family of Cyprinodontidae. The fish is widely distributed and has the brightest colors of all freshwater and saltwater fishes. This fish is ideal for starters, since it will dwell in communal tanks without a problem. The fish habitat in African Sub-Saharan waters. The streams dry out during particular seasons, which this fish dies. Yet the offspring or spawns live well in dry climates, which resurrects the Killifish. The fish will live in small tanks, and desire water conditions set at 70 degrees, or 85 degrees Fahrenheit. The fish live longer in 70-degree temperatures. Killifish grows to 2 or 4 inches in size.

Water conditions
Peat filtered waters is ideal, yet the fish will tolerate soft, hard, or slightly acidy waters.

The fish will eat a wide assortment of frozen and dried foodstuff. The downside about the Killifish is that you will rarely find this bred in pet shops. The AKA (American Killifish Association) group can help you find areas where the fish are sold.

How to Maintain Aquarium and Fish Care Info

How to Maintain Aquarium and Fish Care Info

Since fish aquariums have toxic buildup from natural and unnatural sources, it is important to have filters added to your aquarium to prolong your fish’s life. In all there are a couple types of filters, which include the biological filters and the chemical/mechanical filters.

How biological filters work?
Biological filters work by supplying denitrifying system. In summary, biological filters remove nitrogen from water. Denitrifying converts nitrates into ammonia, nitrites, and nitrogen. Now, you may see that ammonia and nitrites are toxic, yet fish adapt well to nitrites since the toxic converts to non-toxic. Biological filters works by using soil-enriched bacterium, which is used to convert ammonia compounds, accordingly converting them into nitrates. The conversion makes nitrogen available for fish. Nitrogen is colorless and odorless gas, which non-metallically chemicalizes as elements to produce natural resources.

Mechanical filters remove solid waste or particles from fish water. To see a list of mechanical filters go online and look for foam filtration cartridges, gravel, and/or floss. In fact, you will need both floss and gravel with various filters.

Chemical filters activate carbons. The filtration system includes absorbents to remove ammonia, as well as water softeners. Since fish water comes from ground or tap water, it is important to purify your water supply to maintain healthy fish. You can also check out water purification systems, which can minimize chemical buildup.

Types of Filters:
Aquarium filters include corner filtration, outside powered filters, under-gravel filtration, foam, canisters, and flow-through filtration.

How do the filters work?
It depends on which product you purchase, however corner filtration works by supplying air. The air creates an insignificant vacuum cleaner, which extracts the water into the corner filtration. You can combine Floss filtration to activate carbons, which will assist in filtering the tank water. Combining the filters will supply you a biochemical reaction, which slows the growth of bacteria. Corner filtration supplies ventilation. The filters however are limited in their ability to act, therefore you should use gravel combined with floss and corner filters to get the best result.

Electrical pumps, or outside powered filters assist by extracting huge amounts of water through filters, which passes over filtered floss and carbons that supply sufficient water supply. The pumps will provide ventilation, as well as support a larger array of fish, more so than other filters. All filters should be changed responsively, since dirt buildup decreases the filters ability to perform.

You want to add gravel to the bottom of your aquarium, since it will slow bacteria growth. Under-gravel filtration works as a vacuum to extract water from gravel. Use gravel since it will supply your fish with adequate biological and mechanical aids without using chemicals. This filter has its downsides, which includes the use of vacuums to remove debris. Unlike the pumps, this system will not support all your fish in the tank. Rather, the filters support a smaller amount. Foam filtration attaches to air supplies. The supply is then situated in the aquarium to supply ventilation and biochemical reactions that filter growth of bacteria. Foam filters are biological kin, which supply mechanical filters to trap rubble. Canisters are filters which combine mechanical, biological, and chemical filtrations by lining with a pump. The downside is this pump requires consistent attention, otherwise it will overload fairly easy. Flow-through provides continual drainage solutions and water supplies. The system supports a large body of fish, yet the water must be conditioned. Ironically, this system is not one of the most recommended.

Harlequin Fish Care and Aquariums

Harlequin Fish Care and Aquariums
How to upkeep freshwater fish

Harlequin fish or Rasbora Heteromorpha groups come from Thailand, Sumatra, and the Malayas. The fish are smaller breeds, which grow around 1 ľ inches in size. Harlequin fish is one of the aquarium keeper’s favorites, since the fish have colorful figures. The fish are shaped like wedges, which blue-black shades setoff its rosy pink and violet forms. Harlequin fish are easily trained; as well, the fish do well in communal tanks. The species however are beautiful formed and colored that residing in a sole tank could produce natural effects to your home area. The fish will dine on all foods, and prefers water conditions such as soft water, sensibly acid waters, and peaty waters. Harlequin fish are not much for breeding. The fish pair in well-conditioned waters, or peaty waters. The balance preferred is pH-6, pH-2, or hard water at 40-ppm. Harlequin fish mate while turned upside down at a leaf surface. The fish typically lay less than one hundred eggs, which are fry in one day. The Harlequin fish group is commonly referred to the Red Rasbora fish.

In addition to the Harlequin, is the Cobitidae family. This fish will help keep tanks clean by gnawing at algae. The scavengers are similar to Carps, in that the fish have teeth. This family of fish also has four barbel located in its upper jaw. The fish are akin to any European freshwater Cyprinids. Cyprinids are family to minnows and Carps, which the fish sometimes have round scales, softer fins, and toothless jaws. Spiny Loach is the family of Cobitidae. This fish composes bifid spines, which is located beneath the eyes. The bifid will erect from its folded, flat position if the fish is put to the test. Predatorily fish will not like the results produced by this fish in the event they decide to challenge the Spiny Loach. Spiny Loaches and Cobitidae fish tend to surface often to seek oxygen. The fish prefer to live in murky, mud-spattered waters. The murkiness and mud limits oxygen, which is why the fish surface often. Weather Fish is amongst the group of Spiny Loaches, which this fish will not adapt well to atmospheric situations, which cause stress.

The Loach fish include the group of Acanthophthalmus Semicinctus family. The fish come from the east parts of India and grow up to 3 ˝ inches in size. The fish is popularly called the Half Band Coolie. The Coolie fish have bodies shaped like a snake, which the body covers yellow and black marks. You can find the sub-species of the Coolie family in the Kuhlii family. Kuhlii fish tend to fall into the Salmon category, since the fish may have pink bellies, as well as yellow and black marks. Coolie fish are communal tank fish, which have a peaceful nature. The tanks should be limited to plants, since this fish will hide in closed spaces. You should at deposits of compact decomposed organic debris at the bottom of the tank. (Peat) These fish tend to eat Tubifex and algae, which makes the fish a good cleaning system. As well, the fish will eat all foodstuffs. Coolie fish do not place a high demand on water condition, yet they tend to do well in moderate or neutral waters. The water temperature should remain at 78 degrees Fahrenheit.

In addition to the Coolie fish is the Clown Loach, Tiger Botia, Siluridae, and so on. Over the Internet, you will find a wide assortment of information related to freshwater fish, which include tropical fish, Coldwater fish, sea, or saltwater fish.

Gasteropelecidae Fish Care and Aquariums

Gasteropelecidae Fish Care and Aquariums
How to

Tank maintenance is based on the fish type. However, today’s tanks have switches that enable you to change the water temperature. In addition, tanks today enable you to dim or intensify tank lights with switches. Water is purified via a filtration system. The quality of water is controlled by electronic devices. Automated features enable you to distribute food, as well as fertilize dosage. The water resistant tanks today come in a variety of shapes in size, and use electrical advanced solutions to maintain safety. In addition, tanks today enable you to stock plants and fish of all species. The lights today can be adjusted to accommodate most fish types. Still, fish are different in many ways. To understand this, you must have an overall ideal of what the 22,000 species prefer. The fish types include the freshwater fish, which its counterparts are Coldwater fish and the tropical fish. Seawater or saltwater fish is a different species, i.e. the fish prefer dissimilar water conditions and meals. In addition, the dangerous species on the market must also be learnt before you attempt to purchase these breeds. The dangerous species include the Piranhas. In addition, we have fish that fly, which is our next subject.

The fish that fly
Gasteropelecidae include the Hatchetfishes. The fish are marked for its pressed exceptionally deepen figure. This fish primarily habitats in the northern South America. The fish is also called the flying fish, since he is proficient in flapping his chest fins skillfully. The gliders can escape tank water and land fifteen feet away from the aquarium. Therefore, it is wise to keep a hood on your tank to avoid loss.

Akin to the Hatchetfish is the Carnegiella Marthae. This popularly known Blackwing Hatchetfish originated in the Amazons, Orinoco, Peru, Rio Negro, and Venezuela. The Hatchetfish from this breed grow at 1 and Ľ inches in size. The Hatchetfish are small fishes, which have a black chest. The ridge like parts or keel is also black. The tank species relate better in peaceful waters, or fish of his breed. The fish is small, and has a quiet and calm nature. Hatchetfish of this breed will accept all foods, and prefers soft water condition, yet will relate to insignificant acidy waters. The fish breeds similar to the Hyphessobrycon. There is no available information as to how the fish breed however.

Gasteropelecus Levis or the Silver Hatchetfish comes from the lower regions of the Amazon. This fish grows around 2 ˝ inches in size. The silver colors of this fish are setoff by blue-blackish thin parallel stripes. As long as tank conditions are good this fish can habitat in communal tanks. The vigorous fish feeds in the same way as other Hatchetfishes. The water conditions are expected to be the same as other Hatchetfishes as well. This fish in particular has no records of breeding in aquariums.

Outside of the Hatchetfish rests the Family of Cyprinidae. This family includes the Carp-like fish and the Carps. The fish come from a large body of bony families, which spread out through the lands of North America, Asia, Europe, and Africa. This classical fish have pharyngeal bones, which make up for teeth. A few types of Carp fish have a set of barbel fins, which make up for adipose fins. Carps grow up to 8 feet.

The Indian Mahseer Carp known as Barbus tor is the largest Carp breed. Carps are freshwater fish, which includes the family of minnows. The fish sometimes have round scales, which include soft fins. As well, the fish have toothless jaws. Minnows are freshwater baitfish akin to the carps.

Freshwater Fish Care and Coldwater Aquarium

Freshwater Fish Care and Coldwater Aquarium
How to

Coldwater fish are starter fish to consider, since coldwater fish are easier than other fish to keep. Coldwater fish are resilient and can adapt better than other fish to waters. Still, cold water fish like any other breathing creature demands oxygen. If the water is dirty, the oxygen supply will diminish. Since, fish produce natural wastes, which include ammonia build up, the waters will pollute easy. The oxygen is reduced when ammonia build up occurs. With this in mind, you want to add filtration systems and plants to your take. Plants produce oxygen, and help to remove waste. Filters will perform the same actions, yet through synthetic methods. Therefore, you should add filters, gravel, and plants to your aquarium before adding your fish. Plants work as a nitrogen, which is a colorless gas made up of non-metallic chemicals and its elements produce odorless and colorless gases that are unmoving. In addition, you want to consider stands, lights, hood, and thermometers when purchasing aquariums. As well, the size of your tank is important.

How do I choose the right fish aquarium?
Aquarium size is based on measurements of volume, or units of volume that is equivalent to one cubic decimeter, 1.056 liquid one eighth of a peck. (Quart) The lowest liter capacity recommended is 45, while the best size is above 130 in liter measures. The recommended tanks are the long, wide, and large tanks. The tanks are easy to maintain, as well, you can add a variety of fish without overstepping your boundaries.

How do I choose a stand?
To choose a stand you will need to consider the weight of your aquarium. Will the stand support the aquariums weight, including the additive weight? Will the stand provide the tank a leveled foundation? Is to stand sturdy? Is the stand wide enough? Does the stand attach to walls, or solid surfaces to add additional security?

How do I choose lights?
First, realize that plants feed from light. The downside is that lights will produce higher levels of photosynthetic organisms (Algae), which require more attention from you. As well, brilliant lights will produce higher volumes of heat. Therefore, when deciding how to choose lights, think fish, plants, and algae. Some types of fish detest brilliant lights. Still, we need to think about plants, therefore when choosing lights check out the fluorescent light category. The lights will provide adequate volumes of intensity for plants, as well as a leveled amount of heat for fish.

What is a hood and why do I need one?
A hood is the covering that prevents fish from taking a leap onto your floor. As well, a hood will keep out dirt particles, annoying critters, curious critters, and so on. Hoods will also provide shelter for your lights. You should purchase a proper fitting hood for your aquarium to get the most protection.

How do I choose the right thermometer?
A thermometer is an instrument, which is used to measure temperature. Some thermometers have graduated glass tubes, and bulbs, which contain mercury and/or alcohol. The bulbs or tubes will start to rise when the temperature in a room begins to increase or decrease. The market has a wide selection of thermometers available; therefore, it is recommended that you ask your local pet shop for assistance. Most times, you can get away with the basic thermometer.

In addition to tanks, hoods, lights, plants, etc, you want to purchase gravel, filters, heaters, and so on. It depends on the type of fish you purchase, but you will need to purchase the proper food as well.

wtorek, 5 kwietnia 2011

Fish Care and Aquarium Tips

Fish Care and Aquarium Tips
How to care for Freshwater Fish

Advantages of choosing freshwater fish is that the fish will adapted nearly too any type of Aquarium. In addition, freshwater fish are easier to take care of than saltwater fish. Accordingly, freshwater fish is ideal for beginners. Freshwater fish include the tropical and the Coldwater fish. Regardless of the type of fish you decide to raise however, you want to consider tanks first. Saltwater fish tend to do best in Reef Tanks. Reef tanks have underwater ridges, which is similar to oceanography ridges, in that the reef tanks include rock and coral. The tank is filled with water, which the top of the water is just above or below the surface.

Goldfish would not benefit from reef tanks, since these fish receive their oxygen intake from the surface of the aquarium.

Brief Goldfish History
Goldfish are diminutive ornamental fish, which are generally orange-red. The fish come from native eastern Asia waters, which these fish are commonly stored in tanks, aquariums, or ponds. Goldfish got its Latin name from Carassius Auratus.

When considering aquariums you want to make sure that you know what to avoid when spotting the tank. For instance, it is recommended that you do not store the aquarium near doors, windows, or heaters. In addition, you should store the aquarium in an area of your home were the room temperature remains constant. When you purchase your aquarium, make sure you consider medicines, equipment, food, electricity supply, filters, and so on. Gravel, floss, buffers, and filters should be on the list as well. The most important thing you will need outside of food is filters. The filters help to keep your aquarium free of algae and harmful chemicals. Online you will find a wide assortment of external, internal, and under-gravel filtration systems. In addition, if your tap water is unclean, you may need to purchase a water purification system. Otherwise, you can take certain actions to eliminate a great amount of chemical production from the water.

External filters are costly; more so than the under-gravel and internal filters, yet the filters is one of the better choices. External filters are recommended if you have a large supply of plants and/or fish in your tank. Maintenance for the external filters is much easier than that of the internal and the under-gravel filtration systems. Internal filters is one of the popular sold in fish supplies, which the filter produce good results. The filters are cheaper than external filters, and include elements that draw liquids from grills, which filters the liquid into foam cartridges. The liquids are then discarded through top nozzles. You can purchase internal filters, which include indicators that will alert you when cleaning time starts. Valves make it easy to maintain oxygen. As well, filtered pads will help eliminate chemical build up. Under-gravel filters require additional maintenance and generate less power, therefore it is recommended that you combine internal, or external filters with the under-gravel filtration systems.

How to decide if you need a heater?
Now that you have an overview of filters, you need to consider aquarium heaters. Coldwater fish do not require heaters. Goldfish is a type of the Coldwater fish. Tropical fish tanks demand heaters. If the water temperature is too cold for tropical fish, it can cause them to die. On the other hand, it the water is too hot the fish may die as well, since the fish will not receive sufficient oxygen to maintain life. The primary focus is to make sure that you purchase a filter and heater system that matches your tank space.

Fish Care and Aquarium Support

Fish Care and Aquarium Support
How to

Fish care depends on the type of fish, which include saltwater fish (Marine Fish) and freshwater fish. (Non-Marine Fish). The type of aquarium also depends on the type of fish you intend to raise. If you purchase saltwater fish, it is important that you, daily check the status of your fish. If your fish seem healthy likely, you are doing something right. On the other hand, if your fish seem sickly then you need to take another course of action to maintain your fish’s health. It is important that you become familiar with each fish in your tank to help you spot behavior patterns. Familiarizing yourself with the fish will help you to notice peculiar changes in behaviors.

In addition, you want to make sure that you feed your fish according to their demands. Some fish require food every three days, while other fish may not. To maintain the water you will need to use filters, etc, to evaporate the water and remove chlorine build up, which you will also add calcium to. If you own saltwater fish it is recommended that, you add iodine salt at least 2-times each week to the tank. In addition, you want to clear the tank of photosynthetic organisms (Algae) buildup regularly.

Each week you will need to remove at least 10 percent and no more than 15% of the aquarium water. Once you remove the water refill the tank with pure water. The process will help eliminate unwarranted chemicals. If you fill your tank with tap water, make sure you seek advice from your local pet shop, since these people know if the area water is sufficient to maintained fish health. Water builds up chlorine, ammonia, copper, metal, and so on. If you have chemical buildups in your water supply you will need to buy water purification systems, or else take measures to de-chemicalize your water. Chemical, biological, and mechanical filtration systems are available that most pet stores where fish are sold. Inquire with in.

When you change the fish water, make sure you remove rubbish from the gravel by drawing off your filters, vacuums, etc. You can purchase test kits and buffers at local pet shops where fish are sold as well. The tester kits are important to have, since you will need to test the fish aquarium at least every two weeks. After you test the water, it is recommended that you wait 24-hours before changing the water. The test kits will help you spot nitrite, ammonia, chlorine, metal, copper, calcium build up, nitrate, etc, including pH water levels. Bear in mind that fish produce their own level of nitrites, which is non-toxic to fish. Nitrite is defined as nitrous acidy salts, which esters of nitrite is produced from acids. Nitrates are utilized to change organic compounds and turn them into nitrates. Nitrates help to breakdown ammonia, turning the ammonia into nitrites while nitrates will produce ammonia build up. In addition, monthly you should check for alkalinity build up. Alkalinity is the measurement of alkali, which is concentrated and measured in terms of water pH. Test kits typically are used to test alkalinity.

Fish tanks typically include filtration systems or filters, such as the chemical, biological, and mechanical filters. It is important that you replace these filters once spoiled. Check the filters every two weeks.

In addition, each month you should replace at least a quarter of the fish water to purify. It is recommended that you keep records on specific details of fish care and aquarium care. To learn more go online now.